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If you have development capabilities,Or operate your own SaaS product independently,Access only through Arkid account,You can become an ARKID developer。

Developer condition#

  • Any individual or enterprise
  • Have the ability to develop self -research
  • Having ARKID account
  • Visit ArkStore

Developers can provide two types of products from the ARKID ecology:ARKID plug -in and SaaS application

Price rule#

Store payment#

The plug -in can only choose the way the store pays,Application can be a way for store payment or in -app payment。

Whether it is a plug -in or application,Developers can set prices。

There are two categories:price and Lease price,The composition of the two prices is the same。

The price contains two elements:Market guidance and Cost discount

The unit of market guidance is: X yuan/Y people/Zky

  • As X=0,It is considered free
  • When Y=0,It is considered unlimited number of people
  • As Z=0,It is considered unlimited number of days

The cost discount can be 0-Any two decimals between 1。


One product per transaction,The actual benefits of developers are:Market guidance * Cost discount

The price can be set up multiple,To satisfy different pricing strategies。

In -application payment#

Your application can not be paid through the store,It is the user to complete the payment on your own application payment page by yourself。

This situation,Need you to sign a related cooperation agreement with Long Gui,And agreed to divide the proportion,Just settle with Longgui regularly。

Order record#

In ArkStore,Clicked Expense center-Developer order You can view


In ArkStore,Clicked Expense center-Apply for withdrawal You can initiate an application,After the background review, the payment will be made。

WeChat division function is accessing。
